Award winning Speaker

I believe one of the biggest rebellious acts for a girl/woman is to live in and from her body.

I grew up in an environment in which I decided it felt unsafe to speak my truth and express myself.

Sometimes, especially at the beginning of me saying ‘yes’ to living a full life, it took everything I had to find the courage to speak from my heart. Many, many times in the attempt, I would freeze even more, feeling I would die if I spoke up.

The ironic beauty of this path is that my voice is my gift.

I have devoted the last 10 years of my life to exploring, honing, releasing, allowing, letting go, surrendering, wading through treacle, feeling, melting, reconnecting, embodying, dancing and saying yes to life!

I am fascinated with the truth. And because of my experience and my ‘Yes’ to aligning myself with the truth, I have uncovered and I continue to uncover the woman I was always meant to become.

My purpose is to is to invite as many women and girls out of their head and into their bodies so they can start making the impact they were born to make.

I now travel Europe sharing my story and the lessons, modalities and tools I have picked up along the way.